‘On Eagles Wings’ State Conference in Cool Springs Saturday to Feature William Federer and All-Star Speaker Lineup

The annual state conference of the Eagle Forum, the powerful national grassroots organization founded by Phyllis Schafly in 1972, will be held this Saturday, October 7, at the Embassy Suites in the Cool Springs area of Franklin, Tennessee.

The all day conference begins at 8:30 am and will continue until 5:30 pm. The banquet, which features keynote speaker William Federer, a prolific author and host of American Minute, will begin at 6:00 pm.

Federer’s topic will be “Islam’s Long March.”

The announced candidates for governor of Tennessee have been invited to speak briefly at the evening’s banquet.

Additional speakers at the conference will include Frank Gaffney, head of the Center for Security Policy, who will speak on “The Muslim Brotherhood:  Its History, Influence and Infiltration,” Andy Puzder, former CEO of CKE Restaurant Holdings, owner of Carl’s Jr. and Hardees,  who will speak on “Economic Gains of the Trump Administration,” Dr. Roy Spencer,  of the University of Alabama, Huntsville, will speak on “Global Warming: Separating Fact from Fiction,” Cathy Hinners, a former police officer and founder of Daily Roll Call, who will speak on “Muslim Brotherhood: The Threat In Our Backyard”, David Fowler, President, Family Action Council of Tennessee who will talk about the proper roll of the courts, and State Rep. Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma), who will provide an overview of the recently concluded session of the Tennessee General Assembly and a preview of the 2018 session.

“No other organization in the state puts on an event even close to this one, where, for a modest price, people can hear from experts on all the hot topics of the day,” Bobbie Patray, founder and president of the Tennessee Chapter of the Eagle Forum, tells The Tennessee Star.

Patray has served at President of Tennessee Eagle Forum since 1987.

A native of Goodlettsville, Tennessee, she moved to Alabama with her husband, Ron Patray, in the 1970s, where she joined the Alabama Eagle Forum.

When the family moved to Lexington, Kentucky in 1979, “Bobbie joined with other conservatives to start a chapter of Eagle Forum in Lexington, where she served as president until the family moved to Nashville. The last three years in Kentucky, Bobbie also served as a legislative aide in the Kentucky General Assembly.”

The Patray family arrived in Nashville in August of 1986, where Bobbie became President of Tennessee Eagle Forum and started at the Capitol in early 1987 as a full-time lobbyist. She has served on a number of boards, committees, and organizations promoting pro-life, pro-family public policies and has received some awards along the way.

Registration will be closing early in the week, so interested parties are encouraged to purchase their tickets soon.

You can purchase tickets for the event here.

The Tennessee Star will be in attendance, and will report on the messages delivered by the speakers, as well as the viewpoints of the attendees.

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